Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 2

Week 2

In today's workshop G.Powell gave us a lot of information about how to apply jobs, how to attend interviews, what is appropriate and not appropriate to talk about, how to dress up for the interviews, body language, use of cigarettes before the interview and much more. It was a great session from our point of view and very knowledgeable because anyways we have to look for jobs when we finish and more and more information about how to approach jobs and job interviews or making a resume is very important.

I learnt the different uses of MS Publisher.I created a brochure with the help of MS Publisher. I copy the images and information from the Internet about the topic I wanted to make the brochure. But it is very useful activity with children in the classroom as well . We can ask children to create the brochure of their own town or suburb or city or on any topic. In this way first of all children learn the various uses of MS Publisher.Along with that children learn to find more and more information about different topics on Internet.

Here is the brochure I made in the class.

Then G. Powell taught us how to make an e-portfolio. It is made with the help of MS Publisher as well. First we have to go to MS Office and choose MS Publisher and out of the options choose websites, there will be some question tick all of them except 'sell products'  and press 'ok' and now we would be able to work our e-portfolio. Here is the e-portfolio format I made in the class.

The whole workshop was very interesting. G. Powell also showed us few E-Portfolio's for applying for jobs.
E-portfolio is very important because of increasing use of computers and Internet in the Education and recruitment of teachers. Now we can see most of the jobs are published online on DEECD website and we have to submit the application online. So making an e-portfolio is not only challenging but making a very good e-portfolio is very important to get selected for an interview.

I went through the additional information provided on LMS about e-portfolio and gained a lot of information about it.We can make portfolios for students as well.
Students portfolio are also very important.Student portfolios are collections of student work that are typically used for an alternative assessment grade in the classroom. Student portfolios can take a couple of forms ( ). If we want to spend some extra time or want to do more hard work we can design portfolios for the smaller grade like prep, grade one or grade two. Student's potfolios can help in keeping record of where students are at their learning or what students like to do the most in the school or various information that is helpful for the school, teachers and parents as well. In the bigger grade like grade 3,4,5,6 etc. students can spend some time every week to make and update their potfolios with the guidance and help of the teachers. "The multimedia portfolio is a multifaceted tool which can be used to fill several different purposes, but the most important is that it promotes learning among both student and teachers. This type of portfolio will be an important asset to school and individual as society heads into the Digital Age." (Hartnell-Young & Morriss 1999, p. 105).

There can be two types of student's portfolios: One type of student portfolio contains work that shows the student's progression through the course of the school year. For example, writing samples might be taken from the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. This can help show growth and provide teachers, students, and parents with evidence of how the student has progressed.
A second type of portfolio involves the student and/or teacher selecting examples of their best work. This type of portfolio can be graded in one of two ways. In many cases, these items are graded normally and then placed in the student's portfolio. This portfolio can then be used as evidence of student work for college and scholarship applications among other things. The other way that these types of portfolios can be graded is to wait until the end of a term. In this instance, typically the teacher has published a rubric and students collect their own work for inclusion. Then the teacher grades this work based on the rubric. If we have permission of putting some pictures on student's portfolio we can put some pictures on.
We can look at the various benefits of portfolio :-

• Encouraging self-directed learning.
• Enlarging the view of what is learned moving towards a world view.
• Fostering learning about learning.
• Demonstrating progress toward identified outcomes.
• Providing a link between instruction and assessment.
• Students value themselves as life long learners.

Vels Reference :-Students use ICT to:
•design and create effective information products such as websites, brochures, reports that meet audience needs
•create solutions to problems in a range of contexts presented in all areas of learning.

Students apply their ICT visualising thinking knowledge and skills when:
•analysing problems
•understanding concepts, relationships and processes
•formulating and organising ideas in all learning areas.

ICT for creating
In this dimension, students use ICT to demonstrate their understandings. This entails students learning to:
•process (manipulate using software) data to create solutions to problems and to produce information products such as reports, brochures, websites and charts
•manage their stored files
•manage their time and resources by creating project plans using ICT.
Some sophisticated software is available to assist students to present the results of investigations, their considered views about an issue, and their understanding of a topic. Basic software tools like word processing and publishing can produce effective information products such as reports, charts, newsletters. Students can use a combination of ICT tools to create their products.

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