Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 4

We started the workshop by having a look on the wesite and we saw an interesting  video  named "Wagalak Sisters" on the interactive whiteboard.
 We can use this website for the classroom activities. For that we need to go to the study guide and in this section we can get the whole story with pictures and we can also get worksheets related to the different stories that is really helpful for the students in the classroom.

Then we got the task that with the help of "Inspiration software" we need summarize the story with the help of images. I did the story 'Bat and Butterfly' and here is the sample of my work.

It was very interesting and educating.

Then Greg started the activity with the help of graph. It was the blend of ICT and Mathematics and Greg make it more clear that how we can use the Interactive whiteboard to teach Maths with the help of M n M chart.
With the help of M n M we can do chance activities and other chart activities about the different colours of M n M and also we can have a look on M n M website.  that is
I made the graph on the colours of cats. that's here

 I tried the data with different types of graphs as well.

During my practicum I have seen that teachers keeps on playing children's films  out of CD's if they have a wet weather timetable or any free time due to any certain reason but I think children can use computers at that time and can do the similar activities in groups as we did today. We can also play Internet sites that we came to know during this course with the help of G. Powell and make the best use of Internet in the classroom.

I use the interactive whiteboard in the classroom to make some graphs during my practicum and we all loved it. 'Dust echoes' is very interesting website to be used in the classrooms. I have also done a Maths activity based on M n M in my class, children loved it and also enjoyed eating M n M later. I also started doing  the computers activities in each maths session for different group.

Most of the schools have computers in the classroom but some schools are still struggling to bring enough computers in the classroom. it is hard when we don't have enough computers in the classrooms.

Vels Reference :-
Some sophisticated software is available to assist students to present the results of investigations, their considered views about an issue, and their understanding of a topic. Basic software tools like word processing and publishing can produce effective information products such as reports, charts, newsletters. Students can use a combination of ICT tools to create their products.

Students will learn the functions of some software relatively quickly but the skill to apply those functions to design an effective product requires practice. Effective design occurs when students apply the accepted ICT formatting styles (statistics are formatted in tables or graphs as these are easier to read than prose) and ICT conventions/rules for the layout of the information (graphs should have a title, axis labels, and key), as shown below in Figures 1, 2 and 3, along with appropriate graphic elements and imagination.
The more frequently students use ICT tools to create information products the more efficiently they will create them. To develop effective products they need to learn the ICT formats and presentation conventions for designing products for different purposes and audiences.

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