Monday, August 9, 2010

week 3

We started the workshop with an activity based on frog.In the activity we used a rubber band, picture of a frog, piece of a cardboard and sticky tape. Using this material our activity was to create a jumping frog in groups. First of all,we stuck the frog on the piece of cardboard with the help of sticky tape. Then we folded the cardboard from one side and wrapped the rubber on the the bent area. Now if we touch the cardboard from the top the frog is jumping. We enjoyed this activity and I think this activity helps children to build the skills of problem solving.Lovely hands on activity for kids!
Then whole class shared their ideas how everyone worked this activity out. There are various ways to resolve this activity.

Then we log on to on the computer, it was an interesting website where we created new quiz.
I created a quiz on Dinosaurs and my url for the quiz was

It was really interesting to design this activity and then exchange and resolve the quiz designed by peers.

Then we learnt to create activities on the same website. I created an activity on jumble words and the url for the activity was jumble word
The whole idea of creating this sort of activities and sharing with peers was really interesting and very useful for the children as it enhances their creativity skills. I like this activity of jumble words for kids it helps them to recognise words and spellings. I think all this sort of websites and activity with creating games on words and pictures is useful for children and we as teachers can use them in classroom easily.

Vels Reference :-
Students become more proficient  with the use of ICT for the purposes of sharing knowledge and acquiring information. They use ICT to visualise their thinking in order to make sense of ideas, concepts and issues from all domains, and to reflect on their learning.
Students progress by devising planned approaches to problem solving. This involves documenting the order of, and time allocation for, individual tasks within extended projects. Students use a wider range of ICT tools, techniques and functions to support their thinking processes, to model systems, to solve problems and to create information products for a variety of purposes. They use the equipment’s operating system and software functions to manage their files.
Later on,  students become more proficient in the use of Internet research tools to locate and download information from a range of sources, and they judge the quality of information, based on set criteria. They conform to accepted codes of practice when using ICT, and discuss the consequences of ICT use in a range of environments and contexts in the community. Students create and maintain digital evidence of their learning in all domains, the evidence exemplifying the progress made in applying ICT knowledge and skills.